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Human Law Ezine - Septmeber 2016

Human Law Mediation - an experienced law employment firm based in Essex and Hertfordshire


Human Law Ezine - September 2016

Welcome to this month's edition of the Human Law Ezine, please take a look at my latest blog posts: 

  • Why Britain Should Be Able To Negotiate Brexit Effectively
    There is a lot of discussion within Britain and elsewhere about Brexit and the ability of Britain to secure reasonable terms whatever they may be.

    Fundamentally irrespective of whatever divorce arrangement the United Kingdom negotiates with the EU, it does have an apparent advantage which any negotiator would idendtify namely it is just one country negotiating in effect with twenty seven other countries.
    Read full post here

  • Thank God For Employment Law Rights

    One of the concerns over Brexit was that would lead to a possible decline in employment law rights given that EU legislation has played such a role in formulating UK employment law legislation and there is a Conservative Government in charge who may take a less sympathetic stance to employees.
    Read full post here

Please browse the following white papers - essential reading for anyone wondering how mediation works in practice:

  • Keeping away from Employment Tribunals and Court Room Battles
    Read the article here
  • Mediation - What Everyone in the Public Sector Should be Talking About
    Read the article here 

For information or advice please contact Justin Patten here


Justin - Personal Profile

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