Human Law Ezine - December 2016 Welcome to this month's edition of the Human Law Ezine, please take a look at my latest blog posts: - How To Make A Successful Negotiation
Negotiation is about agreement and compromise. For some this might not seem a good way to resolve a dispute, especially when fuelled by the idea of ‘winning’. But when you consider the success rates of mediation – where both parties reach an acceptable conclusion - settlement in mediation has to be a better result than ‘losing’ through the Courts. Read full post here
- Why DIY Executors Can Be Dangerous
There was quite an interesting piece last week in the Telegraph with the level of costs charged by solicitors on probate and how "lawyers are rubbing their hands in anticipation of a surge in fees of inheritance tax" and forthcoming changes. Read full post here Please browse the following white papers - essential reading for anyone wondering how mediation works in practice: For information or advice please contact Justin Patten here. |