Posted: Friday, 4 January 2019 @ 13:43
Public sector organisations around the world face unprecedented pressure to improve service quality while progressively lowering their costs. At the same time, they are expected to become more accountable, customer focused and responsive to stakeholder needs.

In the UK the new coalition Government has embarked on an unprecedented public sector funding cull which is already resulting in wide scale change programmes, job losses, fear and anger amongst public sector workers.
Let’s not underestimate how challenging the current public sector management environment really is.
The latest Human Law Mediation White Paper Mediation – what everyone in the public sector should be talking about - explores the challenges being faced by the public sector and makes a strong argument for using mediation and mediation skills to address the issues to be faced by managers and HR professionals as public sector funding cuts take hold.
The report provides detailed arguments for how the public sector can tackle the challenges of redundancy, redeployment and performance management legally and with minimum disruption. It provides advice on how to avoid ‘getting it wrong’ and ending up with Employment Tribunal claims and explains how the use of mediation skills across an organisation can tackle problems head on and avoid conflict escalation.
It includes details of how to set up a mediation programme and concludes with details of a 3-step process we use to assess organisational readiness for mediation. As an added BONUS we’ve also included the Human Law Mediation 6-Point Plan for a Successful Mediation, demonstrating how we tackle all mediation assignments.
Copies of the report are available to download for free.
As always feedback on the issues raised and approach discussed would be very welcome.
Justin Patten