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Vulnerable Adults and Children Law

Many people with disabilities have significant mental health problems and/or learning difficulties and this may raise issues relating to their mental capacity or their ability to be supported.

The families of people who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves often have to deal with difficulties in accessing and consenting to healthcare and community care services.

Disputes can arise in relation to the withdrawal of medical treatment. Decisions will have to be made by those families or by care and public service providers in the best interests of the individual.

Similar issues can arise in respect of children, who are usually unable to give valid consent for medical treatment.

Alternatively, adults and children can have disputes with institutions on the obtaining of care and funding.

Disputes as to capacity and what is in someone’s ‘best interests’ can often involve detailed negotiation or argument, complaint against service providers and, if necessary, proceedings in the Court of Protection or the High Court.

We ensure the human rights of any client are upheld in any decision with which we are involved. We have recognised expertise in relation to human rights and ‘best interests’ cases – decisions relating to medical treatment, right to life cases (for example the withdrawal of life-support or life-saving measures) and/or appropriate care and welfare decisions.
