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Human Law Ezine - December 2015

Human Law Mediation - an experienced law employment firm based in Essex and Hertfordshire


Human Law Ezine - December 2015

Welcome to this month's edition of the Human Law Ezine, please take a look at my latest blog posts: 

  • Why Mediation Works Better in Inheritance Disputes
    One of the problems that individuals face in an executor/beneficiary dispute is the difficulty in getting resolution via the Courts.Put bluntly, if you ever do when to take the matter to Court the cost can be prohibitive and the time taken to get to Court painfully slow.Given this, mediation is often a sensible move within inheritance disputes...
    Read full post here

  • Lasting Power of Attorneys Are Open To Abuse

    Whilst the new simplified LPA process is a significant improvement on the previous regime, it is worth noting that LPAs remain subject to the risk of fraud and abuse.Indeed if someone is motivated enough they can do a great deal of financial damage to the people they are ostensibly in charge of and it requires one heck of lot of motivation and guile to expose them...
    Read full post here

Please browse the following white papers - essential reading for anyone wondering how mediation works in practice:

For information or advice please contact Justin Patten here


Justin - Personal Profile

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