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Mediation Skills Rise To The Fore In Covid 19 World

Posted: Thursday, 7 May 2020 @ 15:08

With the Coronavirus around, there will be some change in the way legal disputes are resolved. We are on the cusp of a series of legal disputes arising. 

It is perhaps worth considering the fundamental trends and how to respond.

In the absence of a positive trend, economic pressures will rise on individuals. This creates greater financial pressure to settle many disputes.

While we hope for the best, many people are still looking backwards and are thus are ill prepared for the new situation.  

What to do? What succinct guidance can we give?

Accept new reality. The people who are doing best in lockdown are those who have embraced the situation. Time is not going backwards.

Assess where we are. With respect to legal disputes this can involve checking Courts carefully to see which are working well - Some courts are still operating very efficiently and others less so though I do have the impression that they are catching up.

Maintain calmness and clarity of thought. The good negotiator has a very strong sense of reality. A good mediator is able to stay clam.

Improvisation is pivotal. A good mediator is able to unlock difficult situations and hunts opportunities  As a consequence, a positive and proactive mentality will be crucial in determining success in legal disputes which is what a good mediator has.   
